BabyDam Bathtub Divider: Turn Your Bathtub into a Perfectly Sized Baby Bath

The BabyDam is perfect for the parent who likes bathing their child in the bathtub! It divides your tub so it’s the perfect size for your little one.

It can be used at either end of the tub, and storage is simple!

If your tub is made of porcelain with a smooth bottom surface, is standard size (smaller than 26.5″ when measured halfway from the bottom), and the sides curve into the bottom, you can use the BabyDam!

Because you’re not filling your whole tub, the BabyDam helps save water and energy with each use.

You can even use it as a foot bath for children or adults!

Available Here.

Watch the demo down below!


Where To Buy

BabyDam Bathtub Divider

